• day 1: how can i maximize my time during a layover in Singapore? pesawat mendarat di Singapore sudah cukup sore (sekitar jam 15.00). so i immediately stored luggage at Changi Airport, visited Jewel briefly, dan setelah itu, aku berpisah sama Mbak Anna dan Mas Mikha, then i headed to Haji Lane for a stroll and… Read more

  • oh, hi! it’s been a long time since i last shared anything here 🙂 aku mau cerita banyak soal short trip-ku kemarin yang rasanya cukup beda dari sebelum-sebelumnya (mungkin karena nggak ada campur tangan orang tua (。· v ·。)?). aku memilih negara tujuanku sendiri, riset & menyusun itinerary sendiri, juga menabung sendiri untuk trip ini.… Read more

  • i am not sure where to begin, but i feel moved to put down my thoughts & emotions since they can’t shut up. the first week i set foot in Jakarta was undoubtedly the week in which i experienced the most mixed emotions; i was both excited and frightened. it did not sound bad to… Read more

  • ucapan terima kasih 𐙚

    Ps: tulisan ini didasari oleh rasa sesalku yang nggak daftar wisuda. daripada larut dalam penyesalan, aku mau berbagi kebahagiaan serta ucapan terima kasihku untuk orang-orang yang selalu ada selama 4 tahun terakhir. — sastra inggris sadhar sebenernya bukan tempat impianku untuk mengenyam pendidikan. but hey, it turned out to be the finest decision i have… Read more

  • It has been a while since I have written anything here. How about sharing my current internship experience? I am currently doing an internship as a writer at Minikino Film Week for a period of 6 months. Every week, interns at Minikino are given a great opportunity to hear stories and discuss with filmmakers, film… Read more

  • The joints of people’s lives have undergone a major serious change since the COVID-19 pandemic spread in early 2020. Humans are well aware of how insane the effects of this virus will be in the coming months –or even years. Various sectors, including the art sector, have seen major limitations on their activities as a… Read more

  • Manusia cenderung merasakan kecemasan dan ketakutan akan masa depan. Rasa cemas tersebut membuat manusia lupa bahwa tiap-tiap peristiwa yang terjadi dalam hidupnya berharga. Le Maison en Petits Cubes, sebuah film animasi pendek Jepang tahun 2008 yang disutradarai oleh Kunio Kato mengajak penontonnya untuk menghadapi rasa cemas tersebut dengan dibalut dengan animasi yang sangat indah nan… Read more